Paula Studio Recensioni

Via Luigi Carlo Farini, 4, 41121 Modena MO, Italia

Controlla disponibilità e prenota online

Le recensioni vengono scritte dai clienti dopo la loro visita.

31 recensioni

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Filtra per valutazione

Filtra per valutazione

Recensioni verificate

Scritte dai nostri utenti, così puoi leggere un'opinione reale sul salone.
Cordiali e ben preparati
Nobody showed up for the appointment, the studio was closed when I got there. The owner did not cancel in advance, gave absolutely no sign before I called her after waiting 5-10 mins past my appointment time.
Nobody showed up for the appointment, the studio was closed when I got there. The owner did not cancel in advance, gave absolutely no sign before I called her after waiting 5-10 mins past my appointment time.
È bravissima! La migliore a Modena!!!